Komljenovic A*, Roux J*, Wollbrett J, Robinson-Rechavi M, Bastian FB (2018): BgeeDB, an R package for retrieval of curated expression datasets and for gene list expression localization enrichment tests. F1000Research 5:2748.
Komljenovic A, Li H, Kutalik Z, Auwerx J, Robinson-Rechavi M (2019): Cross-species functional modules link proteostasis to human normal aging. PLoS Computational Biology 15 (7), e1007162.
Li H, Rukina D, David FPA, Li TY, Oh CM, Gao AW, Katsyuba E, Bou Sleiman M, Komljenovic A, Huang Q, Williams RW, Robinson-Rechavi M, Shoojans K, Morgenthaler S, Auwerx J (2019): Identifying gene function and module connections by the integration of multispecies expression compendia. Genome Research 12:2034-2045
McDaid AF, Joshi PK, Porcu E, Komljenovic A, Li H, Sorrentino V, Litovchenko M, Bevers RPJ, Rüeger S, Raymond A, Bochud M, Deplancke B, Williams RW, Robinson-Rechavi M, Paccaud F, Rousson V, Auwerx J, Wilson JF, Kutalik Z (2017): Bayesian association scan reveals loci associated with human lifespan and linked biomarkers. Nature Communications 8:15842
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Members. (2016); The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics’ resources: focus on curated databases Nucleic Acids Research 44 (D1), D27-D37
Morales M, Sentchilo V, Bertelli C, Komljenovic A, Kryuchkova-Mostacci N, Bourdilloud A et al. (2016): The Genome of the Toulene-Degrading Pseudomonas veronii strain 1YdBTEX2 and Its Differential Gene expression in Contaminated Sand. Plos One 11 (11):e0165850
Menigatti M, Staiano T, Manser CN, Bauerfeind P, Komljenovic A, Robinson MD, Jiricny J, Buffoli F, Mara G (2013): Epigenetic silencing of monoallelically methylated miRNA loci in precancerous colorectal lesions. Oncogenesis 2:e56
Preprints / preparation
Komljenovic A, Frochaux M, Gardeux V, Deplancke B, Robinson-Rechavi M (2020): Deciphering sex differences of the dynamic transcriptional signatures during D. melanogaster aging. (in preparation, to be submitted to Genome Research and biorxiv).
Huang S, Komljenovic A, Barbieri CE et al. (2022): Single-cell recovery of the prostate cancer transcription factor AP-1. (in preparation)
* equal contribution